So dry…

Please break out the rain dances! We need some serious rain to save the grass pastures.

And on a related note, bring your own beverages to the barn for the next while. The water cooler sprung a leak. Not sure if it needs to be replaced or if I can fix it. In the meantime I will put a jug of water in the barn just in case, but ideally, please bring your own water/drink until I get it resolved!


Jane Stone in June?

Is anybody interested in taking a lesson with Jane Stone in June? She is in town horse shopping for a few days, and couldĀ  come to Hillside the afternoon/evening of June 23rd (a Tuesday) and could possibly also teach the morning of the 25th (Thursday).

As we don’t have to cover the cost of her trip, lessons will be her regular at home rate of $50 for a private, and $40 for a semi-private. Jumping or dressage! I assume their is GST on top of that, but not sure.

Let me know ASAP if you are interested. I am for sure!
