Yay Hay.

Thank you to everyone who helped pick and stack hay the past few days. It was painfully hot for this task, but it feels good to have the hay in storage.  Particular thanks to Janine (and Jeff), Colina and Laureen who helped with multiple loads! Who needs a gym when you have horses.

Between picking/stacking hay, we also went to a show at Fultonvale on Saturday. I judged Western and English dressage in the morning, (while Rob picked more hay…lucky guy), and then Rob brought Beaux and Jack for the jumping in the afternoon.

The show was the first time in the jumpers for both the riders and the horses, and was a big success for both horses. More importantly though, we survived the heat! Lindsay made the decision to skip the 2’3″ division…which was just as well as we wouldn’t have been home until 7 if we had stayed…and of course we had to go get one more load of hay…

Our next show is likely the Hillside Fun show and Bar-b-que on August 2 (weather permitting). Linsday (Jack) has painted some lovely jumps for the occasion. Please let us know if you are coming! I need to start shopping for prizes. Cat wine may be one of them…now that we are an over 18 barn, I figure wine is appropriate!


The past and the future

Mapleleaf Meadows July 4 2015
Mapleleaf Meadows July 4 2015

DSC_2590 Jack Magnus4 Roman5

We had a good time at Mapleleaf Meadows International on the weekend, with Beaux, Jack, Magnus and Roman competing in the hunters on Saturday, and Rohan and Magnus participating in the dressage on Sunday. It was decent weather for a horse show: cool enough that wearing a show coat was comfortable!

Our next show is at Fultonvale this Saturday. I also need to know if anyone wants to go to Killerney on July 26th.

Entries are due for Vegreville on the 23rd of July, so if you want to go to the fair on the 7th (it is a Friday) please let me know soon, and get your entries in soon. I have two spots left in the trailer. I will also be looking for someone to help me with my two girls on the 6th and the 8th.

And we have posted details of the Hillside Fun Show that is on August 2nd! It is a fun jumper show and bar-b-que. Lindsay (Jack’s mom) did a great job on the prize list and sign up sheet in the barn!
