Izzy the Western Horse

Pictures of Izzy at the JP Forget reining/western clinic at Still Meadows. It was a very useful clinic for us! Spending two and a half hours under saddle each day was plenty to get her over her concern with the loudspeakers and the banners hanging on the rail.

JP had us doing a lot of leg yield with me keeping Izzy as straight as possible and asking for as much lateral reach as possible. At the canter he kept us cantering a LONG time, and we did quite a bit of counter canter. It was exhausting! We also did haunches out on a circle at walk, trot and counter canter to encourage her to reach up and under even more with her hind end.

On the Sunday we ended by practicing some spins. Izzy seemed to get the idea…spinning apparently comes natural to her…shocking, I know!


Izzy the western horse
Izzy the western horse